Case Study
Owning target market share with data analysis
Better brand positioning in a crowded marketplace leads to exponential sales lift
Product Pricing
Core Case
An experienced entrepereneur’s new start-up needed a top-of-class team to execute an Amazon channel strategy in a crowded marketplace. Product Labs developed and executed a strategy to secure premium brand and product positioning in a category crowded with inexpensive alternatives.

The company partnered with Product Labs to develop and execute a strategy aligning the brand more consistently with the premium quality of its products.
Specialized Product Labs teams created premium listing photos and rewrote content to better reflect brand values and optimize SEO. Listings were restructured to more clearly present product variations to shoppers.
Product Labs’ experts made adjustments to ensure all product selections were available using FBA.
Product Labs’ CS teams experts restructured SOPs to provide premium support, matching the brand positioning.
Product Labs’ pricing analysts raised product prices by 10% to better align with the premium presentation and brand quality.
Within the first two months of the brand positioning optimization, Product Labs was happy to report a 597% increase in product sales; by the end of the first calendar year, sales were up over 1,000%. In addition, the company saw an 80% increase to the detail page conversion rate despite reducing marketing costs by nearly 15%.