Amazon DSP Marketing
Partner With UsWhat is DSP Marketing?
DSP stands for Demand-Side Platform and refers to the automated platform used to negotiate bids for ad space. Some companies, like Google and Amazon are large enough to have their own private platforms that manage the special kinds of bidding between advertiser buyers and sellers. They have agreements and relationships with websites that will display specified kinds of ads on them in specified spaces. There are criteria in place for the kinds of products and ads that can appear on certain websites. There are also requirements as far as the minimum amount of monthly spend needed to buy into this bidding platform. Needless to say, the Amazon DSP programs and processes are complicated and multi-faceted.
Why Advertise?
Advertising is not an option in today’s competitive, online marketplace. For your products to stand out and stand a chance, you need to be using paid advertising especially on the very platform you are selling on. 85% of Amazon consumers use keywords to discover products. We use targeted ads to capitalize on those keywords. Our sophisticated strategies connect your products to Amazon’s most effective keywords.
Since you can safely assume that your competitors are also advertising, you can bet they are actively advancing their products as aggressively as possible. If their products are showing up before yours in search results, they have a better chance of getting the sale. We have the tools to anticipate market trends and stimulate demand to drive more sales.
Why A DSP Service?
Marketing on Amazon using DSP bidding requires a well-rounded approach to be successful, including knowledge of Amazon product placement and proper keyword strategy. Our knowledge of the inner workings and architecture of the platforms involved enable us to maximize results for our clients. We have extensive experience navigating this complicated structure and have a proven track-record of success.
Additionally, gaining access to DSP advertising on Amazon requires minimum monthly spends that are often difficult for small to mid-sized companies to pay up-front. We have the budget and the relationship with Amazon needed to facilitate our clients’ advertising needs, no matter how large or small. In short, we can help you to sell on Amazon and sell big.
What is Programmatic Advertising?
Programmatic advertising simply uses automation in bidding for ad space to maximize efficiency and results. It allows for a dynamic, automated and targeted ad placement process. Programmatic advertising facilitates a more seamless interaction between buying and selling ad space using special algorithms that account for a myriad of factors in real-time. AI platforms with learning capabilities do the work and capture data along the way. This means ads reach the right audiences, more often, without having to hash out lengthy, human interactions.
How Can I Track My Success?
One of the best parts of our Amazon DSP advertising strategy is our ability to track pertinent data. This helps us to reach the right audiences at the right times. Our results are data-driven and so are adjustments we make to our strategies. We can use data to inform buying decisions as well as anticipating trends in marketing that can inform product movement. That means helping you to know which products to keep in stock and in what quantities. We are transparent with the data we gather from our transactions and present you with frequent, easy-to-understand reports that show your progress and possibilities for growth. You could say Tracking is our middle name.
When Can I Start?
Schedule a consultation today! The sooner you get started, the sooner we can positively affect your results and your revenue. We are confident that working together, we can improve your marketing and overall success on Amazon. Let’s get you started!

DSP marketing is marketing from the demand-side platform meaning advertisers bidding for ad space. The DSP interacts in an automated way with the ad exchange to place ads based on predefined bid criteria.
Programmatic advertising is an automated process by which ad space is purchased and ads are placed on apps and websites.
Yes and no. To participate or “buy in” to the Amazon DSP system, there are minimum monthly spends and/or large-sum starting balances required. Minimum monthly spend to work directly with Amazon is currently $15,000 (Attrib: